The History of Rangkuman Kilat
The first Rangkuman Kilat was in November 2019 when Coloid first made his own summary to prepare himself for the final semester exams at that time. Seeing the condition of his classmates who were panicking and experiencing confusion in understanding the vast amount of final exam material, Coloid sympathized with this condition and finally sent one of his summaries to his class group. Apparently, the summary received a positive response from his friends. In fact, the summary is known by his classmates outside his class. His friends asked for another summary from Coloid. Feeling happy with the response, Coloid continued to make a summary and sent it to the class group. The summary is named Rangkuman Kilat, which means a summary made so that readers can understand the material quickly, as quickly as lightning, because the exam time is very close.
Rangkuman Kilat was originally made by Coloid alone and was only able to fulfill MIPA lessons, and even then, only a few lessons were summarized. In early September 2020, some of his friends, Xnyaa, Centrino, and Kak Harto, contacted and wanted to help in the summary process. This incident eventually formed Team Kilat. Team Kilat was initially only able to fulfill MIPA lessons and only started working when preparing for PTS Semester 1 for the 2020/2021 academic year. Not only that, but several other Coloid friends also wanted to help with the summary process. However, because there are too many and the number of abilities they have to cover is limited to a few specific lessons, they are finally included in the Kilat Collaborator. For now, Kilat Collaborators consist of ZERO as physics collaborator, AstrayR as mandatory mathematics collaborator, NathanAdhitya as ICT collaborator, Steven as chemistry collaborator, and lele as biology collaborator.
Towards the end of the 2020/2021 academic year, a friend of Coloid, Biola*-*, who is from the IPS department contacted him and wanted to help with the Rangkuman Kilat summary process for the Social Studies department. Because the material for the social studies department is quite heavy, finally Biola*-* invited Jane to help her in the process of making a summary for the social studies department.
After the event that two more people joined Team Kilat, finally, Team Kilat became the current version with six members consisting of four members of the MIPA team and two members of the IPS team. This incident also made Rangkuman Kilat finally be able to embrace the subjects in the Social Sciences major into its summary.
The term ‘Kilaters’ itself is intended for fellow readers and users of Quick Summary to make them seem friendly. For now, the Kilat Community (Team Kilat and Kilat Collaborators) which summarizes high school subjects voluntarily totals 11 people. Who knows, someone will continue the quick summary and the flash community will continue to grow following the curriculum developments.
The Publication History of Rangkuman Kilat
Although Rangkuman Kilat was present in the 1st semester of the 2019/2020 school year, actually Rangkuman Kilat itself was not present in the 2nd Semester of the 2019/2020 school year because the learning period is already online due to the pandemic and there is no final exam.
The initial publication of Rangkuman Kilat is limited to the Coloid’s class line group only. After then spreading rapidly, Coloid thought of expanding the reach of Quick Summary as well as facilitating access to open the Rangkuman Kilat. Finally, he decided to share it in the form of a link drive which was then shared on the school community’s discord server. Getting lots of feedback and lots of positive responses from Kilaters, Coloid also collaborated with NathanAdhitya from PotatoGamers to create a simple website for Quick Summary. With the theme of purple and dark blue, the website was finally launched properly during preparations for the end of the 2020/2021 school year exam and was visited by more than 5,600 online users. After getting more positive responses from Kilaters, Coloid and NathanAdhitya developed the website into a website that Kilaters is currently accessing today. We hope that with increasingly advanced technology and more adequate facilities, Quick Summary can accompany Kilaters in learning to prepare for your exams.