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Website Patch 2.0.0

We’ve done several updates for Rangkuman Kilat website. Here are the updates:

~ Summaries Test Features ~

We’ve fixed the summary section and we are currently testing this section’s features. For now, the summary section can only be accessed in the Rangkuman Umum section. All Rangkuman Kilat XI Class Semester 1 editions have been uploaded for the test in that section. The other parts are still under development. Wait for the next update for more information and interesting features in this section.


There are three categories for the summary section: general, MIPA, and IPS. Each category represents the subjects in that category. For example agama subject in the general section, biology subject in the MIPA section, sociology subject in the IPS section, etc. But for now, only the general category is available.

In each category, there will be lists of summaries. Each list of summaries will have a list title that represents that list. You can preview and download all summary files for free. If you want to preview the summary, you can simply click the name of the file that you want to preview. After that, it should show up a new tab contains that summary preview. If you want to download the summary, you can simply click the download button and it will download your selected file directly.

~ User Interface maintenance ~

We have made some improvements to the appearance of the website. Improvements in the form of fixing the hyperlink on the button on the home page and fixing the quick team section (about us). If you encounter further issues on the website, you can contact us via the feedback form in the feedback section.